Mario told about the love scene with Yaya, although he didn’t dare to continue the role with his girlfriend.

Mario told about the love scene with Yaya, although he didn’t dare to continue the role with his girlfriend.
Mario told about the love scene with Yaya, although he didn’t dare to continue the role with his girlfriend.
is currently working on a new drama like you that is broadcasting on channel 3HD for the heroine Mario Maurer which Young Oh opened up that the response was very hot, especially about the love scene withYaya Urassaya the heroine of the story

by Mario said
“Good trend. Many people come to say that they are watching the love scene. Especially when in the car, oh my! It’s boiling because it’s not cold in the garage. But it’s a good romantic scene. It was very difficult to get this scene, shooting for several days. But I must say that Yaya is already a professional. He won’t have a word for it. Both are called full. When filming, I felt embarrassed. But still, not too shy, it’s hot.”

It’s called a very hot love scene. Until playing Mario, which usually rehearses and continues with ‘Chanji’, Chanjira’s girlfriend said that she did not dare to continue the script.

“It’s quite flashy. Some of them are as intense as anyone who has watched the drama, so they will rehearse themselves. Besides, he’s busy right now. We also have our jobs. Asked if he had watched the drama, he liked it. He said that the picture is very beautiful, the drama is fun. He said that he would watch every episode. and said that the protagonist is too good-looking.”

The article is in Thai

Tags: Mario told love scene Yaya didnt continue role girlfriend


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