1 year complete, CaregiverThai.com website Resources for caring for people with dementia

1 year complete, CaregiverThai.com website Resources for caring for people with dementia
1 year complete, CaregiverThai.com website Resources for caring for people with dementia

Thursday, April 25, 2024, 6:00 a.m.

Since the launch of the website CaregiverThai.com By the field of geriatric medicine Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University To be a source of information alongside caregivers providing knowledge and encouragement in caring for people with dementia in 2022. Currently, users have used over 85,000 views in the past year. And from the study, it was found that usage statistics The top 3 content that caregivers follow the most is side effects of using drugs to treat dementia. Essential nutrients that the body needs and caregiver stress assessment form, website CaregiverThai.com Ready to listen to needs from caregivers at the website questionnaire in the featured articles-press release category or https://forms.gle/8vnWBvHpLs5p2hvUA So that the team can develop content that is most useful and meets the needs of caregivers. Be at the side of caregivers providing knowledge and encouragement to continue caring for people with dementia.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sirindhorn Chansirikarnchan, Department of Geriatric Medicine Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University said, “From the report on the situation of the Thai elderly 2022 by the Thai Elderly Research and Development Institute Foundation. and the Institute for Population and Social Research Mahidol University It was found that the number of elderly people with dementia in Thailand in 2022 was as high as 770,000 people, including 250,000 men and 510,000 women, an increase from 680,000 people in 2021. This does not include the number of people with dementia who are elderly. Less than 60 years, when we see a trend that Thailand may have an increase in the number of people with dementia when entering a completely aging society, therefore creating understanding and knowledge in caring for people with dementia. with relatives and close people for hygienic care Therefore, it is necessary to create physical and mental comfort for both caregivers and people with dementia. Meanwhile Spreading knowledge and understanding will help create a Dementia Friendly Community.”

After the website Caregiver Thai.com, the power of the heart fights dementia. Launched in late 2022, it received more than 85,000 user views last year. We found that there is an interesting statistic: the top 3 most read contents are side effects of dementia medications. Essential nutrients that the body needs and caregiver stress assessment form It makes us know that most of the administrators are still beginners. Need information to care for people with dementia. and adjusting one’s mind to acting as a caregiver

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sirindhorn continued, “As for the stress test assessment in 2023, it was found that the level of caregiver stress was 48% higher than normal from the number of caregivers who came to do the assessment. The problems that are regularly encountered include feeling unhappy and sad. Feeling irritated and annoyed, which can be caused by having to take care of people with dementia for a long time. without being physically, mentally, and knowledgeable in managing care cause concern Because you have to manage your care according to your own ideas. I don’t know if it’s appropriate or not. Many families have no one to help them. and no network Or friends with similar experiences who will help you think, help you do, causing stress and not knowing how to cope with these stresses. This will have an impact on the care of people with dementia.

which various problems These can be alleviated. If the administrator has access to the resource and a strong network of caregivers Helps provide knowledge, advice, and additional new information. that must be learned all the time, for example, the website Caregiverthai.com with the determination to create a website For caregivers of people with conditions
especially dementia When the caregiver is happy Able to handle problems that come our way professionally It will make it possible to take better care of people with dementia. There is a quality of life for all parties involved.”

Throughout the past year The team has developed, improved, and added content. and various presentation methods To help administrators access information and can be easily used, such as

1. Add a video clip to the YouTube CaregiverThai Channel. It is a step-by-step practical video recording for caregivers to follow in each category as follows.

– Understand dementia, such as risk factors for dementia and prevention Guidelines for treating dementia, etc.

– Knowledgeable in care such as dressing a tracheostomy wound. Caring for patients with urinary catheters at home, etc.

– Yesterday and present, including stories and experiences of caregivers from various families.

2. Add content categories “Prepare for old age” for caregivers who have been taking care of patients for a long time and are beginning to enter the elderly, to be aware of the programs and methods they need to prepare to take care of their own health. To make the body and mind strong and ready to accept every situation.

3. Install a “read to listen button” to increase convenience for administrators who do not have time to read from the website. You can listen while doing other things at the same time. Let’s start with the content in “yesterday and now” first.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sirindhorn concluded, “We are still developing the website. CaregiveThai.com Let it be a channel for accessing knowledge and an exchange area. Prepare yourself, prepare your mind, prepare for old age. and share experiences To relieve the suffering in my heart We invite all caregivers to join in completing the questionnaire. Is there anything else missing? Or where can it still be developed? Tell us about your local support resources to share with others. So that the website meets your needs as much as possible It is the most useful.”

We therefore invite caregivers of people with dementia. Join together in completing a questionnaire to express your needs at the website questionnaire in the press release category or https://forms.gle/8vnWBvHpLs5p2hvUA.

Tags: year complete CaregiverThai .com website Resources caring people dementia


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